Mission Statement
“To break the cycle of child
abuse through community education,
training and prevention and
to allow the child opportunities for
healing through intervention in a
child sensitive environment.”
The Children’s Advocacy Center
of Laredo – Webb County is a nonprofit
organization that provides
training, prevention, intervention
and treatment services to fight and
eradicate child abuse and neglect.
What Children’s Advocacy Center does:
• Create a safe place for a child to disclose abuse.
• Coordinate with partner agencies so child does not repeat or relive trauma.
• Provide individual, family and group counseling sessions to child victims and their non-offending family members who have suffered as a result of sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect and domestic violence.
• Conduct forensic videotaped interviews only once to obtain details of the alleged abuse.
• Review cases for potential prosecution of the alleged perpetrators, resulting in justice meted out when merited.
• Facilitate the completion of client victim compensation applications and referrals to other needed services.
• Provide community presentations and training on topics focusing on child abuse.

956 795-2800Sheriff Department:
956 523-4500Child Protective Services:
1800-252-5400 or
abuse and neglect.
Police on Sunday arrested a man they say was 11 years old when he allegedly sexually abused a child.
abuse and neglect.